Busy Bears, September 16, 2014

What We Did Today:

We read stories: Reading about Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 21 and Show Me the Honey

Our Bible story (verse) was: Genesis 1:1

We sang songs: Months of the Year and Days of the Week

We showed our creativity with: writing our 1’s and 2’s and taking turns playing and learning patience when there is work to do and we just want to play 🙂

Our letter of the week: C
Our number of the week: 1 & 2
Our shape of the month: circle
Our color of the month: white

We played outside

For snack time we had: pears, pineapple, pretzels, and water

Quote of the day: Piper said: “My daddy got bit by an alligator!”

We also: are learning today about patience in the Fruit of the Spirit

We had a great day!!!!

Don’t forget: to bring your folders and tomorrow is our first Enrichment Day!!!


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