Busy Bears

Theme Units: Apples, Fall, All About Me, Classroom Rules, Being a Good Friend
Letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd
Numbers: Count 1-10, Recognize 1-5
Bible Lesson: Creation, Fruit of the Spirit
Science: Changes of Fall, 5 Senses
Common Core: All About Me
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color of the month, Alphabet
Field Trip: Dixie Classic Fair
Color: White
Shape: Circle
Site Words: I, a, go, to, up
Word Family: -at

Theme Units: Farm, Fire Safety, Pumpkins
Letters: Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh
Numbers: Count 1-15, Recognition 1-10
Bible Lesson: Noah’s Ark, Armor of God
Science: Spiders and Owls
Common Core: Farm and Farm Animals
Small Group: Number/Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip: Fire Department, Farmer’s Market
Color: Orange and Black
Shape: Square
Site Words: I, a, go, to, up
Word Family: -at

Theme Units: Thanksgiving, Family, Cooking, Veteran’s Day
Letters: Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll
Numbers: Count 1-30, Recognition 1-10
Bible Lesson: The Prodigal Son, Feeding the 5000, Blessings, and Being Thankful
Science: Living vs Non-Living
Common Core:
Small Group: Number/Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip:
Color: Brown
Shape: Triangle
Site Words: I, a, go, to, up
Word Family: -at

Theme Units: Christmas, The Gingerbread Man
Letters: Mm, Nn
Numbers: Count 1-40, Recognition 1-10
Bible Lesson: The Birth of Jesus
Science: Senses of the Season
Common Core:
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip: Caroling at Robinwood
Color: Red
Shape: Star
Sight Words: is, at, we, do, my
Word Family: -ot, -ug

Theme Units:
 Space, Martin Luther King Jr, Winter
Letters: Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr
Numbers: Counting 1-60, Recognition 1-20
Bible Lesson: Parables: Good Samaritan and The Lost Coin, The Lord’s Prayer
Science: Hibernation, Penguins
Common Core:
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip:
Color: Blue
Shape: Diamond
Sight Words: is, at, we, do, my
Word Family: -ot, -ug

Theme Units: 100th Day of School, Dental Month, Library Month, Chinese New Year
Letters: Ss, Tt, Uu
Numbers: Counting 1-100, Recognition 1-30
Bible Lesson: John 3:16, Joseph and His Multi-Colored Coat
Science: Weather
Common Core: What’s the Weather
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip: Walkertown Library
Color: Pink
Shape: Heart
Sight Words: is, at, we, do, my
Word Family: -ot, -ug

Theme Units: Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, St. Patrick’s Day, Zoo Animals, and Kites
Letters: Vv, Ww, Xx
Numbers: Counting 1-100, Count by 10’s
Bible Lesson: Daniel and the Lion’s Den and Moses
Science: Our Body
Common Core: Animals and Their Needs, My Body
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip:
Color: Green
Shape: Oval
Sight Words: in, it, on, the, me
Word Families: -ill, -an, -op
Challenge Sight Words (for students who are ready): will, you, can, get

Theme Units:
 Earth Day, Spring, Community Helpers, Dinosaurs
Letters: Yy, Zz, Begin Review
Numbers: Counting by 5’s and 10’s
Bible Lesson: The Easter Story and Peter Walks on Water
Science: Life Cycles and Plants
Common Core: Care of the Earth and How Do Plants Grow
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip: Elementary School Visit
Color: Purple
Shape: Rectangle
Sight Words: in, it, on, the, me
Word Families: -ill, -an, -op
Challenge Sight Words (for students who are ready): will, you, can, get

Theme Units: Ocean Animals, Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo
Letters: Review
Numbers: Counting by 5’s and 10’s
Bible Lesson: Jonah and the Whale, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
Science: Ocean, Pond Life
Common Core:
Small Group: Number Recognition, Shape/Color and Letters of the Month
Field Trip: Strawberry Picking
Color: Review
Shape: Review
Sight Words: in, it, on, the, me
Word Families: -ill, -an, -op
Challenge Sight Words (for students who are ready): will, you, can, get


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