Little Leapers, September 19, 2014

What We Did Today:

We read stories: Arthur Jumps Into Fall, Leaf Man, and Fall Leaves Fall

Our Bible story (verse) was: Genesis 1:1

We sang songs: Silly Squirrel and we danced with balloons

We showed our creativity with: painting fall leaves, tearing paper to make fall trees, coloring fall pictures, and tracing a maze

Our letter of the week: A
Our number of the week: 1
Our shape of the month: triangle
Our color of the month: yellow

We played outside and inside played with cars, kitchen, puzzles, and babies

For snack time we had: tummies, apples, and mix cereal

Quote of the Day: “The tree turned into a bear!” – Mason (quoting the tree turned bare)

We also: played bubbles outside and talked about the fall season

We had a great day!!!!

Don’t forget: to have a great weekend!


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