Monkey Business, September 16, 2014

What We Did Today:

We read stories: My Eyes, Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?, It Looks Like Spilt Milk, and we continued our study of the five senses. Today we talked about our eyes and our ears.

Our Bible story (verse) was: Genesis 2:1

We showed our creativity with: after reading “It Looks Like Spilt Milk” we made cloud shapes with white paint

Our letter of the week: C
Our number of the week: 3
Our shape of the month: circle
Our color of the month: yellow

We played outside and inside played in out centers

For snack time we had: apple slices and goldfish

We also had show-n-tell!

We had a great day!!!!

Don’t forget: we worked in our “word” books on the letter “C” words


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