Monkey Business, October 22, 2014

What We Did Today:

We read stories: I Want Shane

Our Bible Story (verse) was: Noah’s Ark

We sang songs: Our Christmas Program songs

We showed our creativity with: made bags for treats for farm day

Our letter of the week: G
Our number of the week: 8
Our shape of the month: square
Our color of the month: orange

We played outside today

For snack time we had: graham crackers, banana, pretzels, and water

Quote of the Day:

We also: learned more about fire safety. In Enrichment, Mrs. Melanie read the book The Cow That Laid an Egg, we learned about milk and eggs, and how to milk a cow. In class will reviewed #1-8 and letters A-G

We had a great day!!!

Don’t forget:


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