What We Did Today – November 18, 2015


Our color of the month is orange.

Our animal of the month is a turkey.

Our Bible theme is: We Thank God!

We read stories: Fox in Socks, Brown Bear, Very Hungry Caterpillar, Noah’s Ark, Are You My Mother, Corduroy’s Thanksgiving

We sang songs: Row, Row Your Boat, Wheels on the Bus, My God Is So Big, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mary Had a Little Lamb. We also played bells today.

We showed our creativity with: feathers and glue, decorating a turkey.

For snack we had goldfish and veggie straws.

New words we are hearing: turkey, gobble, thanksgiving

We also went to enrichment. Mrs. Christi read, “Not a Box” to us. We sang “Who Built the Ark.”  We also built things with blocks.

Don’t forget our Book nic on Monday and Tuesday at 11:30 am next week!


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